I am trying to build a file management system in Laravel based on league/flysystem: https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem
I am using the S3 adapter and I have it working to save the uploaded files using:
$filesystem->write('filename.txt', 'contents');
Now I am stuck on generating the download file URL when using the S3 adapter.
The files are saved correctly in the S3 bucket, I have permissions to access them, I just don't know how to get to the S3 getObjectUrl method through the league/flysystem package.
I have tried:
$contents = $filesystem->read('filename.txt');
but that returns the content of the file.
$contents = $filemanager->listContents();
$paths = $filemanager->listPaths();
but they give me the relative paths to my files.
What I need is something like "ht...//[s3-region].amazonaws.com/[bucket]/[dir]/[file]..."
I'm not sure what the correct way of doing this is with Flysystem, but the underlying S3Client
object has a method for doing that. You could do $filesystem->getAdapter()->getClient()->getObjectUrl($bucket, $key);
. Of course, building the URL is as trivial as you described, so you don't really need a special method to do it.
I am using Laravel 5.2 and the code below seemed to work fine.
When updating to Laravel 5.1 this method no longer supported by the adapter. No in your config you must have the S3_REGION set or you will get a invalid hostname error and secondly I had to use the command as input to create the presignedRequest.
public function getFilePathAttribute($value)
$disk = Storage::disk('s3');
if ($disk->exists($value)) {
$command = $disk->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getClient()->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => Config::get('filesystems.disks.s3.bucket'),
'Key' => $value,
'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'attachment;'
$request = $disk->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getClient()->createPresignedRequest($command, '+5 minutes');
return (string) $request->getUri();
return $value;
Maybe I'm a little late to this question, but here's a way to use Laravel 5's built-in Filesystem.
I created a Manager class that extends Laravel's FilesystemManager to handle the public url retrieval:
class FilesystemPublicUrlManager extends FilesystemManager
public function publicUrl($name = null, $object_path = '')
$name = $name ?: $this->getDefaultDriver();
$config = $this->getConfig($name);
return $this->{'get' . ucfirst($config['driver']) . 'PublicUrl'}($config, $object_path);
public function getLocalPublicUrl($config, $object_path = '')
return URL::to('/public') . $object_path;
public function getS3PublicUrl($config, $object_path = '')
$config += ['version' => 'latest'];
if ($config['key'] && $config['secret']) {
$config['credentials'] = Arr::only($config, ['key', 'secret']);
return (new S3Client($config))->getObjectUrl($config['bucket'], $object_path);
Then, I added this class to the AppServiceProvider under the register method so it has access to the current app instance:
$this->app->singleton('filesystemPublicUrl', function () {
return new FilesystemPublicUrlManager($this->app);
Finally, for easy static access, I created a Facade class:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class StorageUrl extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'filesystemPublicUrl';
Now, I can easily get the public url for my public objects on my local and s3 filesystems (note that I didn't add anything for ftp or rackspace in the FilesystemPublicUrlManager):
$s3Url = StorageUrl::publicUrl('s3') //using the s3 driver
$localUrl = StorageUrl::publicUrl('local') //using the local driver
$defaultUrl = StorageUrl::publicUrl() //default driver
$objectUrl = StorageUrl::publicUrl('s3', '/path/to/object');
Another form of Storage::cloud():
/** @var FilesystemAdapter $disk */
$s3 = Storage::disk('s3');
return $s3->url($path);