I'm still struggling with the same problem about Parsley and semi validation. I have a form with 2 categories of fields
- "Contact information" (17 fields)
- "Company information" (5 fields)
The Contact information fields are mandatory. For The "Company information fields", the user must answer only if he has a company. So one radio button named "jform[company]" allows to answer to the question "Do you have a company".
- If the answer is "No" - I want to apply a Semi validation (just Contact information fields)
- If the answer is "Yes" - I want to apply a Full validation ( Contact information fields && Company information fields)
Here is my code: (It's highly inspired by the example on the official documentation: http://parsleyjs.org/doc/examples/events.html)
$('#adminForm').parsley().subscribe('parsley:form:validate', function (formInstance) {
if (formInstance.isValid('infos'))
if ($("input[name='jform[company]']:checked").val() == 1)
if (formInstance.isValid('comp') )
alert("Parsley - Full validation : OK");
return true;
alert("Parsley - Full validation : Fail");
alert("Parsley - Semi validation : OK");
return true;
alert("Parsley - Semi validation : Fail");
My problem is that the submission of the form occurs only for the full validation. When I answer No to the question and I fill correctly contact information, the message "Parsley - Semi validation : OK" is displayed but the form is not submitted!
Do you have a possible explanation? Thanks very much