I trying to using dplyr distinct to combine rows, delete duplicates, and delete blanks as well. Here is my data frame:
unique_id school subject grade sex
1 great Math 88
1 great English 78
1 great History 98 male
2 spring Math 65
2 spring English 72 female
2 spring History 84
When I run (thank you Akrun):
(r2 <- df %>%
group_by(unique_id) %>%
I get:
unique_id school subject grade sex
1 great Math, English, History 88,78,98 , male
2 spring English, English, History 65,72,84 , female
I don't want blanks to be included or commas in the last variable, sex. Instead, I'd like it to look as follows:
unique_id school subject grade sex
1 great Math, English, History 88,78,98 male
2 spring English, English, History 65,72,84 female
Any tried adding NA on the import, then removing it after condensing and that didn't work. Any ideas how to condense rows, but only keep the value in the row and ignore blanks? Thank you.
Perhaps the reason that you are having problems is that you are using empty strings when you should be using NAs. This is what I would assume is the idiomatic code.
df <- data.frame(unique_id = c(rep(1,3),rep(2,3)),
school = c(rep('great',3),rep('spring',3)),
subject = rep(c("Math", "English", "History"),2),
grade = c(88,78,98,65,72,84),
sex = c(NA,NA, "male", NA, "female", NA))
r2 <- df %>%
group_by(unique_id) %>%
which returns
# A tibble: 2 x 5
unique_id school subject grade sex
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 great Math, English, History 88, 78, 98 NA, male
2 2 spring Math, English, History 65, 72, 84 NA, female
You can always
r2$sex <- sapply(stringr::str_split(r2$sex, ", "),"[",2)
afterwards if you really want to remove those NAs, but I see them as informative.
You can write your own function to supply to summarize_each
, which will allow you to take care of NAs in any column. Note, that you only need to do this because unique
, rightfully so, does not have an na.rm
rm_na_unique <- function(vec){
r2 <- df %>%
group_by(unique_id) %>%
Gives you the same result
# A tibble: 2 x 5
unique_id school subject grade sex
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 great Math, English, History 88, 78, 98 male
2 2 spring Math, English, History 65, 72, 84 female
You can fill the sex
column so that there will be no empty strings in it and then your solution will work:
df %>% group_by(unique_id) %>% mutate(sex = unique(sex[sex != ""])) %>%
# Source: local data frame [2 x 5]
# unique_id school subject grade sex
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 1 great Math, English, History 88, 78, 98 male
# 2 2 spring Math, English, History 65, 72, 84 female