I'm trying to add elements to a map while iterating the elements of an RDD. I'm not getting any errors, but the modifications are not happening.
It all works fine adding directly or iterating other collections:
scala> val myMap = new collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String]
myMap: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> myMap("test1")="test1"
scala> myMap
res44: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(test1 -> test1)
scala> List("test2", "test3").foreach(w => myMap(w) = w)
scala> myMap
res46: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(test2 -> test2, test1 -> test1, test3 -> test3)
But when I try to do the same from an RDD:
scala> val fromFile = sc.textFile("tests.txt")
scala> fromFile.take(3)
res48: Array[String] = Array(test4, test5, test6)
scala> fromFile.foreach(w => myMap(w) = w)
scala> myMap
res50: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(test2 -> test2, test1 -> test1, test3 -> test3)
I've tried printing the contents of the map as it was before the foreach to make sure the variable is the same, and it prints correctly:
fromFile.foreach(w => println(myMap("test1")))
I've also printed the modified element of the map inside the foreach code and it prints as modified, but when the operation is completed, the map seems unmodified.
scala> fromFile.foreach({w => myMap(w) = w; println(myMap(w))})
scala> myMap
res55: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(test2 -> test2, test1 -> test1, test3 -> test3)
Converting the RDD to an array (collect) also works fine:
fromFile.collect.foreach(w => myMap(w) = w)
scala> myMap
res89: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(test2 -> test2, test5 -> test5, test1 -> test1, test4 -> test4, test6 -> test6, test3 -> test3)
Is this a context problem? Am I accessing a copy of the data that is being modified somewhere else?