I use FirestoreRecyclerAdapter
with query. I show the loading till it's not getting into onBindViewHolder()
. If it comes to onBindViewHolder
then I close the dialog.
But in my scenario there is no data into query and its not get into onBindViewHolder
so I do not found anyway to close it. Here is my code. Please help.
Query query = GlobalApplication.applianceRef.whereEqualTo("applianceType", appType);
FirestoreRecyclerOptions < RoomAppliance > response = new FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder < RoomAppliance > ()
.setQuery(query, RoomAppliance.class)
if (dialog != null) {
adapter = new FirestoreRecyclerAdapter < RoomAppliance, ApplianceActivity.ViewHolder > (response) {
public void onBindViewHolder(final ApplianceActivity.ViewHolder holder, final int position, final RoomAppliance model) {
public ApplianceActivity.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup group, int i) {
View view = null;
try {
view = LayoutInflater.from(group.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.user_appliance, group, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("error", e.getMessage());
return new ApplianceActivity.ViewHolder(view);