I'm trying to query a table that focused on 3 different columns. I have columns nid, vid and title. I have to go through each nid value, grab the highest vid of each nid value, once I get the highest vid I then have to get the title that's in the same row of the vid. Ultimately I'll need a list of each title. I have the 1st two steps down. The only part I need help with is grabbing the correct title content because once again it has to be the title that's in the same row as the highest vid. I thought a where statement would be a good way to do it but I'm stuck. Attached is a screenshot of the table.
$queryNodeRevision = "SELECT nid, MAX(vid) as vid, title FROM node_revision WHERE title = vid GROUP BY nid";
// line above creates variable $queryNodeRevision >
$results = mysqli_query($connection, $queryNodeRevision) or die("Bad Query: $results");
// line above creates variable $results > actually queries that database and passes in variable "$queryNodeRevision"
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) {
// line above creates while loop that loops through > $row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)
// $row is variable that's set to mysqli_fetch_array (with variable $results being passed in)
// mysqli_fetch_array > creates an associate array for each row in a table
// $results > variable that's being passed into associative array that represents the variable that's quering "SELECT nid FROM node_revision";
$currentNID = $row['nid'];
// line above creates variable that represents the current 'nid' of row (aka the key)
// $row['nid'] = gets the key # of the current 'nid'
$currentVID = $row['vid'];
// line above creates variable that represents the current value of the 'vid' (the number you want to compare)
// $row['vid'] = gets the value of the current 'vid'
$theTitleIWant = $row['title'];
// line above creates variable that represents the current value of the 'title'
// $row['title'] = gets the value of the current 'title'
echo "<h1>" . $row['title'] . "</h1>";
// line prints out desired 'title' into h1 tag
} // line closes while loop
Below is the line with the where statement I'm trying to accomplish my code with.
$queryNodeRevision = "SELECT nid, MAX(vid) as vid, title FROM node_revision WHERE title = vid GROUP BY nid";[![enter image description here][1]][1]