I got a situation.I have a django template ip_form.html given bellow.
<form method = "GET">
{% for val in value_list %}
<input type='text' value = '{{ val }}'> {{ val }}</input>
{% endfor %}
I want to tell you that, I have unknown no of val in value_list(may be zero). So may not use django form.py( and also I am getting value in certain time of a particular view function, i.e. don't know weather it will occur all time)
Let's say in views.py
def view1(request):
value_list = [1,2,3,4,5] # it will change every time view1 will get request
if request.method == "GET":
# i want to retrieve here post
return render ('ip_form.html','value_list':value_list)
How can i use form.py
So how can I retrieve it. You can refer me post method.(Its not a sensitive data so no problem with get method)