how to edit following line in sed, awk or anything else:
root@laptop002:/tmp# cat /tmp/log
2016-03-01 06:08:26 {"id":"778640","cuid":"1","msid":"199033","lid":"582","Started":"1","qid":"9401"} batch is running
to make it look like following:
2016-03-01 06:08:26 "msid":"199033" batch is running
2016-03-01 06:08:26 msid is 199033 batch is running
2016-03-01 06:08:26 msid=199033 batch is running
$ awk -F'[{,}]' '{print $1, $4, $NF}' file
2016-03-01 06:08:26 "msid":"199033" batch is running
The safest way would be to parse the json string with a json parser, like JSON
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
my $str = '2016-03-01 06:08:26 {"id":"778640","cuid":"1","msid":"199033","lid":"582","Started":"1","qid":"9401"} batch is running';
my ($date, $time, $json, $msg) = split ' ', $str, 4;
my $hash = decode_json($json);
print join " ", $date, $time, "msid=" . $hash->{msid}, $msg;
2016-03-01 06:08:26 msid=199033 batch is running