
Cannot import child component to parent component

2019-09-21 16:59发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • How to call another components function in angular2 7 answers

I am using Angular 5. I want to call the child component method from parent component. For this I am adding the import {myChildComponent} from './myChild/myChild.component'; //ERROR: Cannot find module ./myChild/myChild.component

How can I import the child component in any other component other than app.component.ts.(here it works)


You can simply call function of child component from parent component using local variable in Angular.

For example

<hello name="{{ name }}" #childOne></hello>
<p (click)='childOne.callFromParent()'>
  Start editing to see some magic happen :)

here hello is child component.

Working Example

Second way

<hello name="{{ name }}" #childOne></hello>
<button (click)='callChildFunction()'>hello</button>

@ViewChild('childOne') childOne: any;

callChildFunction() {