I am trying to get CORS enabled on Tomcat 7.0.52 for Geoserver.
I modified web.xml in conf in tomcat, as specified in
But, that did not help set cross-origins in the header.
I even tried it for geoserver web-inf/web.xml which did not help.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I need to do the same to avoid the usage of a proxy in OpenLayers.
Since I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, I've installed Tomcat 7.0.55, instead of the default 7.0.26 (installed from packages).
To add CORS headers, I simply added to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml
the following lines:
and then restart tomcat.
For example, when I try to fetch from Geoserver the URL http://development.localhost.lan/geoserver/wfs
from my application running on http://localhost:3000
I get the following headers:
Requested headers:
POST /geoserver/wfs HTTP/1.1
Host: development.localhost.lan
Origin: http://localhost:3000
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Response headers:
Content-Disposition:inline; filename=geoserver-GetFeature.text
Content-Type:text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1
Date:Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:31:08 GMT
Keep-Alive:timeout=5, max=100
This worked with Chrome (Ver. 35.0.1916.153) and Firefox (Ver. 31.0).
I needed to add the following to the CorsFilter to make sure that the preflight 'OPTIONS' request was allowed
Hey Guys After adding this script in web.xml
please change the url in your ajax like this
var boxsource = new ol.source.Vector({
//url: '{{ resource.ows_url|safe }}',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?srsName=EPSG%3A4326&typename=cite:box&outputFormat=json&version=1.1.0&service=WFS&request=GetFeature',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),
params: {'LAYERS': '{{ resource.typename }}'},
//STYLES:{'LAYERS': '{{ resource.typename }}'}
then it will be okey. I promise