I have 10 labels (Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4, etc...) in an Array
and I need to change the Text
property with a timer, I have the timer working well, but I don't know how to change one Label at the time( this second the label1, the next second label2, the next second label3...etc)...
I'm using VB.NET with the .NET 4.0 Framework in Visual Studio.
If you have the timer set up and working already, try something like this for your array:
'These will be your labels:
Dim oLabel As New Label
Dim oLabel2 As New Label
'Create the array from your labels:
Dim aLabels() As Label = {oLabel, oLabel2}
'loop through your array:
For each oLabel as Label in aLabels
oLabel.Text = "your text value here"
You can try with something like this:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1
Private _labels As Label()
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
Private Sub InitalizeLabelArray()
_labels = New Windows.Forms.Label() {Label1, Label2, Label3}
End Sub
End Class
VB.NET is not VB6 and does not have control arrays.
There are ways to emulate them (adding them to a collection and looping over the collection), or using the Form.Controls
collection and only acting on Label
controls, for example.