
JAVA Command line arguments to get info

2019-09-21 15:05发布


I just have a small question which i cant understand , i hope i can get some help please . I Want to write a program that get the info into my program using the command line, example (java xx 10 20). In my program i got something like this

   int coffeeCups= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
   int coffeeShots= Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
     if (args.length==0)
         System.out.print ("No arguments..");
        else if (args.length==1)
        {System.out.println("not enough arg..");
        else if (args.length>2)
        {System.out.println("too many arg.");
        else if (Integer.parseInt(args[0]<0) && Integer.oarseInt(args[1]<0)
        {system.out.println("negative chain arg");
        System.exit(0); }
                    else if (Integer.parseInt(args[0]<0) || Integer.oarseInt(args[1]<0)
        {system.out.println("negative  arg");

I Want to enter only TWO POSITIVE INTEGERS INTO MY COMMAND LINE.. otherwise it should reject my inputs, but the thing is that sometime i came with en error like that (Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0) and sometimes my program runs without even entering any two integers in the COMMAND LINE... I gotta finish my code as soon as possible, and i'de appreciate ur help P.S. dont worry about the my identation as my program is not done yet


First of all, you may want to use a command-line-arguments parsing facility.

You're trying to access indices that do not exist:

// who said there is a first argument?
int coffeeCups = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
// who said there is a second argument?
int coffeeShots = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

You need to first check, then access:

// this is just like using sentinel value. If you're not familiar with
// shortend `if` see notes.
int coffeeCups = args.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : null;
int coffeeShots = args.length > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : null; 

if (coffeeCups == null || coffeeShots == null){
    throw new Exception("Not enough arguments");

if (args.length > 2){
    throw new Exception("Too many arguments");

There is also the case in which the arguments are not Integers. You will get a NumberFormatException if that's the case...


Short if notation (x ? y : z) is used to return y in case x is true, otherwise it returns z.