I'm working on a T-SQL issue where I needed to Transponse Rows into Columns and using UNPIVOT and PIVOT together per a post at Simple way to transpose columns and rows in Sql?
No problem. It does Exactly what I want with the row/column manipulation. However what I would REALLY like to do is to get the values used for the column headers to become yet another row in the results.
My abbreviated code is:
FROM (SELECT fiscalyear,
Sum(totalrecords) AS TotalRecords
FROM dbo.tbleirstatisticsoverviewsummary
WHERE fiscalquarter = 'ALL'
AND branchcode = 'ALL'
GROUP BY fiscalyear,
branchcode) AS p
UNPIVOT (value
FOR colname IN ( totalrecords )) AS unpvt
PIVOT (Max(value) For FiscalYear IN ([2012],[2013],[ALL])) as p
What it renders is:
colname 2012 2013 ALL
TotalRecords 421 227 648
Where the first line is column headers.
Any thoughts on how I could get the column headers to be data rows?
Adding some sample Raw Data fiscalyear TotalRecords 2012 421 2013 227 ALL 648