I need to create a table with borders from the text file (this text file is updated every time when someone finishes filling a form. One row, one person):
Herard|TRO789|Suzuki|France|Gendolfina|Fresko|food|500|2015-04-25 14:40
Bob|MGA789|Mercedes|Latvia|Polaris|Dread|parts|1000|2015-04-26 16:15
I've already created a script which reads every word separately, but don't know how to to put them to table:
$file = fopen("info.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($file)){
$data = fgets($file);
list($name, $number, $type, $country, $company, $gcompany, $supply, $weight, $datetime) = explode("|", $data);
So I need a script which could read the text file and create a table with the same number of rows as the text file has.