this code get table.
I want to remove first and second tr tag in the table.
$data = array();
$table_rows = $xpath->query('//table[@class="adminlist"]/tr');
if($table_rows->length <= 0) { // exit if not found
echo 'no table rows found';
foreach($table_rows as $tr) { // foreach row
$row = $tr->childNodes;
if($row->item(0)->tagName != 'tblhead') { // avoid headers
$data[] = array(
'Name' =>trim($row->item(0)->nodeValue),
'LivePrice' => trim($row->item(2)->nodeValue),
'Change'=> trim($row->item(4)->nodeValue),
'Lowest'=> trim($row->item(6)->nodeValue),
'Topest'=> trim($row->item(8)->nodeValue),
'Time'=> trim($row->item(10)->nodeValue),
and question 2
In the bellow table tr have two class --- EvenRow_Print and OddRow_Print ---
$data = array();
$table_rows = $xpath->query('//table/tr');
if($table_rows->length <= 0) {
echo 'no table rows found';
foreach($table_rows as $tr) { // foreach row
$row = $tr->childNodes;
if($row->item(0)->tagName != 'tblhead') { // avoid headers
$data[] = array(
'Name' =>trim($row->item(0)->nodeValue),
'LivePrice' => trim($row->item(2)->nodeValue),
'Change'=> trim($row->item(4)->nodeValue),
'Lowest'=> trim($row->item(6)->nodeValue),
'Topest'=> trim($row->item(8)->nodeValue),
'Time'=> trim($row->item(10)->nodeValue),
How can I echo both tr in one 2d array . examp.
[0] => Array(