Get unreadable string from GPS tracker

2019-09-21 09:58发布


I'm getting this unreadable string from a GPS tracking device and I need to decode these information so I can use it in my application (c#).

$A  grQ05Ah@‘)���ÿÿûÿÿ����°#~À‚¡U

But in fact what i expect is something like below :


How can i convert the string to standard format in c# ?

I convert data to byte as you can see :



Its really some binary information and If you have clearly read out the product manual then it says formation of this binaries.

Converting the data to hex will give something like this..


And then you need to refer the manual for exact meaning of these hex numbers

ex--(in some chinese devices)

2 bytes(24),  stand for standard mode
10 bytes,  is device'ID (41 20 20 67 72)
6 bytes, is time 
6 bytes, is data
8 bytes, is latitude
2 bytes, battery like this 06= 100% 05=80% 04=60% 03=40% 02=20% 01=10%
10 bytes is  longitude

** You are receiving these binaries because you've asked it to send the info in binary mode.


It all depends how your string initially was encoded. But basic idea is using transform functions with required parameters.

You can use Encoding.GetString method of appropriate encoding.

For example if you know that original string was encoded in UTF-8 format before being transmitted to you, you may convert it to the string as

string converted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytesReceived);