Here in my model I have a few struct to handle the data from server
struct Articles: Decodable {
var content : [ArticleData]
struct ArticleData: Decodable {
var title: String
var date_time: Date
var image: String
From the jason, I get a date, it's like that:
"date_time": 1524842056.035,
First question:
I set the type of this type in model Date
as you see in ArticleData
, it that correct?
Then I read this json in the model something like that:
guard let json = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Articles.self, from: data!) else {
As you can see, I get an array from server json.content
that contain title, date_time and image. I want to convert it here in the model and pass everything in completion
to the controller.
could you help me on that?
Thanks :)