Detect apps on my iphone without being rejected by

2019-09-21 09:07发布


My app has been rejected by Apple for the following reason "Our team is aware that iHasApp is using publicly available APIs, however this specific implementation abuses canOpenURL: to detect all apps on a given device".So I start to look for another way to list all the installed app in the user's phone.So my questions are:

1/Are they some web apps which can detect the installed apps?

2/is it possible to detect apps using their icones?


If you implement a workaround, the chances are that Apple will still reject your app anyway.

Obtaining a list of applications installed on the phone is evidently disallowed. Apple has rejected apps using lots of methods to detect this:

  • Your solution of "canOpenURL"
  • This solution using private apis List of all apps installed on iOS device and their position on the Home Screen (Springboard)
  • This (dated) answer using file path manipulation and private apis: get list of installed applications on iphone objective-c