On this line ((pointerp (first args)) (mem-aref (%vector-float-to-c-array (first args)) :float (second args)))
in the below code the (second args)
compiles with the warning This is not a number NIL
. The function works but how do I get rid of this warning in an implimentation independent way using just Lisp. The solution would need to be really fast. The code took a long time to get to right and runs great so I can't really change the operation of it. the functions you don't recognize don't really matter as far getting warning to go away...Thank you in advance for any help.
(defun vector-float (&rest args)
(cond ((eq (first args) nil) (return-from vector-float (%vector-float)))
((listp (first args))
(c-arr-to-vector-float (first args)))
((symbolp (cadr args)) (%vector-float-size (first args)))
((pointerp (first args)) (mem-aref (%vector-float-to-c-array (first args)) :float (second args)))
(t nil)))