function decodeString(s)
let arr = [];
let digitSum = '';
let digitSumArr = []; // for numbers before '['
let i;
//iterating string
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
if (!isNaN(s[i]))
digitSum += s[i]; // count number before '['
else if (s[i] === '[')
// add number to the array
arr.push(i + 1);
digitSum = '';
else if (s[i] === ']')
let digit = digitSumArr.pop();
i = decStr(arr, i, digit);
digitSum = '';
digitSum = '';
return s;
function decStr(arr, j, number)
let arrLen = arr.length;
let n = number;
let str = s.slice(arr[arrLen - 1], j);
let sumStr = str;
while (n-- > 1)
sumStr = sumStr.concat(str);
str = number + '[' + str + ']';
s = s.replace(str, sumStr);
arr.splice(arrLen - 1, 1);
//return position for iterating
return j + sumStr.length - str.length - 1;
Given an encoded string, return its corresponding decoded string. The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string], where the encoded_string inside the square brackets is repeated exactly k times. Note: k is guaranteed to be a positive integer.
Note that your solution should have linear complexity because this is what you will be asked during an interview.