Find Key in XML with Boost

2019-09-21 02:30发布


I am using boost for the first time within an old code base that we have

iptree children = pt.get_child(fieldName);
for (const auto& kv : children) { 
    boost::property_tree::iptree subtree = (boost::property_tree::iptree) kv.second ;
//Recursive call

My problem is sometimes the fieldName doesn`t exist in the XML file and I have an exception

I tried :

boost::property_tree::iptree::assoc_iterator it = pt.find(fieldName);

but I dont know how to use the it I can`t use: if (it != null)

Any help please will be appreciated

I am using VS 2012

If it`s very complicated is there any other way to read a XML with nested nodes? I am working on that since 3 days

This is an Example of the XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<nodeA xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <nodeA.1>This is the Adresse</nodeA.1>
<nodeA.3>Car 1</nodeA.3>


Use pt.get_child_optional(...) to prevent an exception. pt.find(...) returns an iterator which compares true to pt.not_found() on failure.

EDIT: How to use boost::optional<--->

boost::optional< iptree & > chl =  pt.get_child_optional(fieldname); 

    if(chl) { 
      for( auto a : *chl ) 
        std::cerr << ":" << a.first << ":" << std::endl; 

标签: c++ xml boost