So I am making a simple tic tac toe game and ran into a problem at the last minute
I am trying to draw a line at the win location but on the final win location(index), the line gets hidden behind the JButton
not entirly sure why it is doing this.
I know alot of people say do not use getGraphics()
, and I am wondering if that is the source of my issues they say to override the paintComponent
method but that is not working for me either
I have attached a pic of what the result is looking like and code snips of how I am trying to perform these actions
PS I am using a JFrame
, if any more code is needed I will be glad to show it
if(win[i] == 264){ // if one of the the combinations equal 'X','X','X' which equals 264, then there is a winner
System.out.println("X is the winner!!!");
System.out.println("Game Over!");
number = i;
draw(); }// call draw method
private void draw(){ // drawing a line at winning location
Graphics2D g1 = (Graphics2D) GUI.getFrame().getGraphics(); // declaring graphics on our Jframe
Stroke stroke3 = new BasicStroke(12f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER); // make our strokes cap off round
if(number == 0){ // statements will determine the win location, so at win0, XXX,
g1.setStroke(stroke3); // we will add stroke to our line
g1.drawLine(0,104,500,104); // draw the line starting at the 0,104 and end it at coordinates 500,104
here is a more runnable code, it is alot though
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.ButtonModel;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
public class tic implements Runnable {
final static int row = 3; // our rows
final static int col = 3; // our col
final static int sizeOfBoard = row * col;
// the size of our board is not going to change so we make it final
static JButton[] clickButton;
char[] templateOfBoard; // our board, TicTacToe field, static
char userTurn; // users turn , only one letter, tracks whether it is a X or O
int count; // keeps track of user moves
static JFrame frame; // our JFrame
int number;
public tic(JFrame frame) {
tic.frame = new JFrame("TicTacToe GAME");
clickButton = new JButton[9];
count = 0; // number of turns starts at 0;
number = 0;
setUserTurn('X'); // first turn will always be X
setTemplateOfBoard(new char[sizeOfBoard]); // size of the board we are going to make it
for(int spaces=0; spaces<sizeOfBoard; spaces++){ // size of Board is in the GUI class
getTemplateOfBoard()[spaces] = ' '; // the board is being created, looping through all rows and col
//every index of the board not has a char value equal to a space
//determine if everything came out correctly
//should equal of a total of 9
// 3x3
System.out.println("Board template created"); // means the board now has all spaces
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Could not initalize the board to empty char");
public static void main(String[] args){
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new tic(frame)); // run
catch(Exception e){ // wanted to test to ensure that Runnable could be invoked
System.out.println("Could not excute Runnable application");
public void run() {
setup(); // going to run out setup method, what our game is made out of
public void setup() {
// setting up the Board
// board is composed of JButton
// and a 3x3 frame
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // when the user closes the window JFrame will exit
//going to design the board now
//the dimensations of the board = sizeOfBoard
getFrame().setLayout(new GridLayout(row, col)); // this is the outline rows * col
// sizes out row * col based on what we define those numbers as
//i.e 3x3
getFrame().setBounds(0,0,500,500); // location at 0,0, size 500 x 500
Border border = new LineBorder(Color.DARK_GRAY, 2); // color of JButton border
System.out.println("Your board game is being created!");
getFrame().setVisible(true); // shows the board,
// this is going to display everything to the screen
System.out.println("Board is now visable");
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Board was not displayed");
// 9 different buttons, for every index there will be a button
for(int i =0; i<sizeOfBoard;i++){ // going to fill the board with clickableButtons by looping through every index and placing a button there
final int move = i;
clickButton[i] = new JButton(); // at a certain index there is a new button
clickButton[i].setSize(250,250); // size of each button
clickButton[i].setBackground(Color.WHITE); // color of the JButton
getFrame().add(clickButton[i]); // we are going to add the actual the button at that index on the frame
clickButton[i].setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 70)); // size of the text
clickButton[i].setBorder(border); // adding border
clickButton[i].getModel().addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { //going to overRide what happens when we rollover and press a Butotn
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
ButtonModel button = (ButtonModel) e.getSource(); // manages the state of the button, i.e lets me control what happens to the button
if(clickButton[move] != null){ // if we do not include this argument
// the buttons are not made yet on the new game, meaning clickButton[i] = null
//so boolean(!button.isRollover()) will return true, since on the new game you can not have your mouse hovered over
// but when it returns true, it will return a null value, giving a null pointer exception
// so best thing to do, is to only run these cases below when the buttons are not null
if (button.isRollover()) { // when the mouse hovers over the index
clickButton[move].setBackground(Color.BLACK); // color will equal black
else if(!button.isRollover()){ // when the button is not hovered over
clickButton[move].setBackground(Color.WHITE); // color will be whte, just like our background
clickButton[i].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
//our click events, going to override to let it know what we want to happen
//once we click on the button
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
clickButton[move].setEnabled(false); //going to disable the button after it is clicked
//ORDER: button gets clicked first, then the test is added
mouseListener(e, move); // our mouseListenerEvent in game class
public static void playAgain() {
System.out.println("NEW GAME");
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new tic(frame)); // run the run(class) again
catch(Exception e){ // wanted to test to ensure that Runnable could be invoked
System.out.println("Could not excute Runnable application");
public static JFrame getFrame() {
return frame;
public tic userMove(int moveMade){
getTemplateOfBoard()[moveMade] = getUserTurn();
// index of the board, or in simpler terms, where the user
// inserts there turn i.e X or O, 0-8
//boolean statement to determine the turns
// So user X starts first
//if the turn is X, the nextTurn is now O,
if(getUserTurn() == 'X'){
else {
return this; // going to return the userTurn
// issue actually entering the userTurn is not giving right value, but using 'this' does
// for some odd reason the toString is causing some issues, keep getting @hash code
//saw online to override it like this
// will make the board out of emepty strings
// going to return a string representation of an object
public String toString(){
return new String(getTemplateOfBoard());
public void mouseListener(ActionEvent e, int moveMade){
// mouse click events
// what happens after a button is clicked
if(getTemplateOfBoard()[moveMade] == ' '){ // the user can only space a click, so an letter on the field if it is empty
((JButton)e.getSource()).setText(Character.toString(getUserTurn())); // when the button is clicked, we want an X placed there
if (getUserTurn() == 'X'){
UIManager.getDefaults().put("Button.disabledText",Color.RED); // when the but gets disabled the test will turn red
//calling the method userTurn to determine who goes next
//problem is that is expects a String
//going to override the toString method
userMove(moveMade); // calling userMove in moveMade, moveMade is the index at which the user put either an X or a O
winner(); // we want to check each time to ensure there was/was not a winner
public tic winner() { // determines who is the winner
//list below defines all the possible win combinations
// the index of where a X or O can be place
// placed the locations to a int value
int win1 = templateOfBoard[0] + templateOfBoard[1] + templateOfBoard[2];
int win2 = templateOfBoard[3] + templateOfBoard[4] + templateOfBoard[5];
int win3 = templateOfBoard[6] + templateOfBoard[7] + templateOfBoard[8];
int win4 = templateOfBoard[0] + templateOfBoard[3] + templateOfBoard[6];
int win5 = templateOfBoard[1] + templateOfBoard[4] + templateOfBoard[7];
int win6 = templateOfBoard[2] + templateOfBoard[5] + templateOfBoard[8];
int win7 = templateOfBoard[0] + templateOfBoard[4] + templateOfBoard[8];
int win8 = templateOfBoard[2] + templateOfBoard[4] + templateOfBoard[6];
int[] win = new int[]{win1,win2,win3,win4,win5,win6,win7,win8};
// making a array to go through all the possibile wins
//possible total of wins is 8
for(int i = 0;i<win.length;i++){
// looping through the win possibilities
if(win[i] == 264){ // if one of the the combinations equal 'X','X','X' which equals 264, then there is a winner
System.out.println("X is the winner!!!");
System.out.println("Game Over!");
number = i;
draw(); // call draw method
return this; // if statement is true, it will return this(gameOver)
else if(win[i] == 237 ){ // if one of the the combinations equal 'O','O','O' which equals 234, then there is a winner
System.out.println("O is the winner!!!");
System.out.println("Game Over!");
number = i;
//draw(); // call draw method
return this;
if (count == 9) {
// if none of the statements above are true, it automatically comes done to here
//so if there is nine moves and no win, it is a draw
return this;
// going to return this method ;
private void draw(){ // drawing a line at winning location
Graphics2D g1 = (Graphics2D) getFrame().getGraphics(); // declaring graphics on our Jframe
Stroke stroke3 = new BasicStroke(12f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER); // make our strokes cap off round
if(number == 0){ // statements will determine the win location, so at win0, XXX,
g1.setStroke(stroke3); // we will add stroke to our line
g1.drawLine(0,104,500,104); // draw the line starting at the 0,104 and end it at coordinates 500,104
else if(number == 1){
else if(number == 2){
else if(number == 3){
else if(number == 4){
else if(number == 5){
else if(number == 6){
else if(number == 7){
// want to be able to access the private variables
//so we will make getter and setter methods for the ones that we need
public char getUserTurn() { // getter method for userTurn
return userTurn;
public void setUserTurn(char userTurn) { // setter method
this.userTurn = userTurn;
public char[] getTemplateOfBoard() { //getter method
return templateOfBoard;
public void setTemplateOfBoard(char[] templateOfBoard) { // setter method
this.templateOfBoard = templateOfBoard;