Making a autocomplete textbox/input area

2019-09-20 22:44发布


I am trying to make a jQuery autocomplete inputbox, so that people can see suggestions that are pre-set. Not that hard actually, but somehow, I can't seem to solve a problem which won't show up the suggestions.

Here is a fiddle:

And this is my HTML file:

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  $(document).ready(function() {
    source: ["c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby"]


<input id="search-textbox" class="topic-picker ui-autocomplete-input" type="text" maxlength="100" name="q" accesskey="b"  autocomplete="off" placeholder="enter text" role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-haspopup="true">

Why can't I see a suggestion if I type "java" for example?

And my second question: How can I get data from the database to be fetched?

PS: I used the code from here:


If you're testing in the fiddle you need to change the framework on the left to jQuery, not MooTools, and you will also need to include jQuery UI.

Try this one:

Updated fiddle