do Ansible in default configuration works with other vendors? For example Huawei ?
If i'm running some testing commands like:
sudo ansible -m shell -a 'display version' servers | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: \r\n**********************************************************************\r\n* Jus esate prisijunge prie privacios irangos. Visi veiksmai,vykdomi *\r\n* su sia iranga, yra fiksuojami. Tam, kad prieiti prie sios irangos *\r\n* ir (ar) atlikti irangos konfiguracija ar kitus veiksmus, jus turite*\r\n* tureti atitinkama leidima. *\r\n* Uz neteiseta prisijungima bei neteisetus veiksmus su iranga taikoma*\r\n* istatymuose numatyta atsakomybe,iskaitant ir baudziamaja atsakomybe*\r\n* Prasome atsijungti.Jeigu jus esate autorizuotas vartotojas, *\r\n* prisijungdamas, jus atsakote uz teisingai atlikta konfiguracija ir *\r\n* kitus savo vardu atliktus veiksmus. *\r\n**********************************************************************\r\n* You are connected to private equipment. All the actions performed *\r\n* with the equipment are recorded. In order to access this equipment *\r\n* and (or) perform its configuration or other actions, you must have*\r\n* an appropriate permission. Illegal connection and illegal actions *\r\n* with the equipment. *\r\n* Will be subject to liability, including criminal liability, as *\r\n* provided for in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Please *\r\n* disconnect immediately. If you are an authorized user, by *\r\n* connecting to the equipment, you assume liability for performing *\r\n* correct configuration and other actions under your behalf. *\r\n**********************************************************************\r\nUser Authentication\r\npacket_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe\r\n",
"unreachable": true
osboxes@osboxes:~$ sudo ansible -m ping servers | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: \r\n**********************************************************************\r\n* Jus esate prisijunge prie privacios irangos. Visi veiksmai,vykdomi *\r\n* su sia iranga, yra fiksuojami. Tam, kad prieiti prie sios irangos *\r\n* ir (ar) atlikti irangos konfiguracija ar kitus veiksmus, jus turite*\r\n* tureti atitinkama leidima. *\r\n* Uz neteiseta prisijungima bei neteisetus veiksmus su iranga taikoma*\r\n* istatymuose numatyta atsakomybe,iskaitant ir baudziamaja atsakomybe*\r\n* Prasome atsijungti.Jeigu jus esate autorizuotas vartotojas, *\r\n* prisijungdamas, jus atsakote uz teisingai atlikta konfiguracija ir *\r\n* kitus savo vardu atliktus veiksmus. *\r\n**********************************************************************\r\n* You are connected to private equipment. All the actions performed *\r\n* with the equipment are recorded. In order to access this equipment *\r\n* and (or) perform its configuration or other actions, you must have*\r\n* an appropriate permission. Illegal connection and illegal actions *\r\n* with the equipment. *\r\n* Will be subject to liability, including criminal liability, as *\r\n* provided for in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Please *\r\n* disconnect immediately. If you are an authorized user, by *\r\n* connecting to the equipment, you assume liability for performing *\r\n* correct configuration and other actions under your behalf. *\r\n**********************************************************************\r\nUser Authentication\r\nchannel_by_id: 2: bad id: channel free\r\nDisconnecting: Received data for nonexistent channel 2.\r\n",
"unreachable": true
it just connects and immediatly disconnects without entering any command, like "display version". Could it be because im running it not on Cisco device, but on other vendor ? Maybe some special modules ir required ?