This is my dataframe:
{'Parameter': {0: 'A', 1: 'A', 2: 'A', 3: 'A', 4: 'A', 5: 'A', 6: 'A', 7: 'A'},
'Site': {0: 'S1',
1: 'S2',
2: 'S1',
3: 'S2',
4: 'S1',
5: 'S2',
6: 'S1',
7: 'S2'},
'Value': {0: 2.3399999999999999,
1: 2.6699999999999999,
2: 2.5600000000000001,
3: 2.8900000000000001,
4: 3.4500000000000002,
5: 4.4500000000000002,
6: 3.6699999999999999,
7: 4.5599999999999996}}
I am trying to plot boxplot of parameter by site. What is an easiest way to do it? Additional question is if i will have more than 1 parameter, what will be the easiest way to plot boxplot using matplotlib by parameter? Thank you