在这场比赛中的水平格式设置为标记Uint16的(我使用SDL),这些指数为tilemapData结构数组的tilemap的。 一项所述的结构体tilemapData的比特是比特isConductive /布尔值。
使用该位的基本上是创建各种对象连接在一起成一个单一的路径“POWERNET”。 我有以下关于当前方法的一些代码(这工作,但我将介绍为什么我真的很讨厌后话)
void findSetPoweredObjects(unsigned long x, unsigned long y, powerNetInfo * powerNet) {
//Look for poweredObjs on this tile and set their powerNet to the given powernet
for (int i = 0; i < level->numChunks[CHUNKTYPE_POWEREDDEF]; i++)
if (level->poweredObjects[i]->position[0] == x && level->poweredObjects[i]->position[1] == y)
level->poweredObjects[i]->powerNet = powerNet, powerNet->objectsInNet++;
void recursiveCheckTile(bool * isWalked, powerNetInfo * powerNet, unsigned long x, unsigned long y, tilemapData * levelMap) {
//If out of bounds, return
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= level->mapDimensions[0] || y >= level->mapDimensions[1]) return;
//If tile already walked, return
if (isWalked[x + (y * level->mapDimensions[0])]) return;
//If tile is nonconductive, return
if (!(level->tiles[levelMap->map[x + (y * level->mapDimensions[0])]]->flags & TILETYPE_CONDUCTIVE)) return;
//Valid tile to check, see if there's a poweredobj on the tile (link it to the net if it is) and check the adjacent tiles.
isWalked[x + (y * level->mapDimensions[0])] = true;
recursiveCheckTile(isWalked, powerNet, x - 1, y, levelMap);
recursiveCheckTile(isWalked, powerNet, x + 1, y, levelMap);
recursiveCheckTile(isWalked, powerNet, x, y - 1, levelMap);
recursiveCheckTile(isWalked, powerNet, x, y + 1, levelMap);
bool buildPowerNets(void) {
//Build the powernets used by the powered objects
//TODO: Rewrite buildPowerNets() & recursiveCheckTile() to avoid stack overflows and make it easier to backtrace powernets in-game
bool * isWalked;
isWalked = new bool[(level->mapDimensions[0] * level->mapDimensions[1])];
unsigned long x, y;
tilemapData * levelMap = level->layers[level->activeMap];
for (y = 0; y < level->mapDimensions[1]; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < level->mapDimensions[0]; x++) {
if (isWalked[x + (y * level->mapDimensions[0])]) continue;
isWalked[x + (y * level->mapDimensions[0])] = true;
if (level->tiles[levelMap->map[x + (y * level->mapDimensions[0])]]->flags & TILETYPE_CONDUCTIVE) {
//it's conductive, find out what it's connected to.
//But first, create a new powernet
powerNetInfo * powerNet = new powerNetInfo;
powerNet->objectsInNet = 0;
powerNet->producerId = -1;
powerNet->supplyType = POWER_OFF;
powerNet->prevSupplyType = POWER_OFF;
powerNet->powerFor = 0;
//Find adjacent tiles to this one, add them to it's powernet, and then mark them walked. Then repeat until the net is done.
recursiveCheckTile(isWalked, powerNet, x, y, levelMap);
delete isWalked;
for (int i = 0; i < level->numChunks[CHUNKTYPE_POWEREDDEF]; i++)
if (level->poweredObjects[i]->powerNet == NULL) return false;
return true;
我担心的是,功能走导电砖将平出来,因为堆栈溢出的更复杂的地图失败。 有哪些想法,如何缓解这些功能这一风险? 我可以提供,如果它需要使用结构的详细信息。