Pass data back from a popped ViewController using

2019-09-20 14:52发布


I would like to know how do we pass a data back from a popped ViewController

FirstViewController -----push----> SecondViewController

SecondViewController -----popped(Pass Value?) ----> FirstViewController 

I have searched around and found many solutions asking to use delegates, but those are in Objective C which I am not familiar with.

How do we do this in Swift?

Thank you


Actually delegates are not just available in Objective C. Delegation is available in Swift (anything that does not involve the dynamic nature of Objective-C is able in Swift) and delegation is a design pattern (delegation as a design pattern), not a language implementation. You can use one of two methodologies, blocks/closures, or delegation. An example of delegation in swift can be found in Apple's documentation as referenced here:

Apple documentation on delegation

You may also see references for Apple's documentation on closures here: Apple documentation on closures

An example of delegation can be shown below:

Noted that the delegate is declared via the protocol below:

protocol DiceGame {
    var dice: Dice { get }
    func play()
protocol DiceGameDelegate {
    func gameDidStart(game: DiceGame)
    func game(game: DiceGame, didStartNewTurnWithDiceRoll diceRoll: Int)
    func gameDidEnd(game: DiceGame)

The class checks if it has a delegate, if it does, it calls the methods the class must implement by conforming to the protocol above

  class SnakesAndLadders: DiceGame {
        let finalSquare = 25
        let dice = Dice(sides: 6, generator: LinearCongruentialGenerator())
        var square = 0
        var board: [Int]
        init() {
            board = [Int](count: finalSquare + 1, repeatedValue: 0)
            board[03] = +08; board[06] = +11; board[09] = +09; board[10] = +02
            board[14] = -10; board[19] = -11; board[22] = -02; board[24] = -08
        var delegate: DiceGameDelegate?
        func play() {
            square = 0
            delegate?.gameDidStart(self)//Calls the method gameDidEnd on the delegate passing self as a parameter
            gameLoop: while square != finalSquare {
                let diceRoll = dice.roll()
                delegate?.game(self, didStartNewTurnWithDiceRoll: diceRoll)
                switch square + diceRoll {
                case finalSquare:
                    break gameLoop
                case let newSquare where newSquare > finalSquare:
                    continue gameLoop
                    square += diceRoll
                    square += board[square]
            delegate?.gameDidEnd(self)//Calls the method gameDidEnd on the delegate passing self as a parameter

标签: ios xcode swift