How do I fetch name of locale (language) not just a locale string, but rather the name of that language in LARAVEL?
{{ app()->getLocale() }}
How do I fetch name of locale (language) not just a locale string, but rather the name of that language in LARAVEL?
{{ app()->getLocale() }}
Laravel doesn't have this information. You need to add it manually by creating table or config with locales and their languages names.
I resolved this by adding an entry to a translation file using Laravel Localization.
In AppServiceProvider@boot
$language = Settings::get('language'); // Fetch saved language preference
$language = ($language === null) ? config('app.locale','ENG') : $language->value;
$languages = Cache::rememberForever('languages',
function () {
$walkable = File::directories(App()->basePath() . '/resources/lang');
$output = [];
function($value) use (&$output) {
$parts = explode('/', $value);
$key = end( $parts );
$require = $value . '/language.php';
if (file_exists($require)) {
$output[$key] = require($require);
return $output;
config(['app.languages' => $languages]);
I then have an entry for each language in dir resources/lang/LOCALE_ISO_3 (ENG/SPA/ITA...)/language.php
<?php // Spanish (SPA)
return [
'default' => 'Spanish',
'locale' => 'Español'
To then get a list of available languages:
dd( config('app.languages') );
Results in:
array:3 [▼
"ENG" => array:2 [▼
"default" => "English"
"locale" => "English"
"ITA" => array:2 [▼
"default" => "Italian"
"locale" => "Italiano"
"SPA" => array:2 [▼
"default" => "Spanish"
"locale" => "Español"
To get current active language:
Gives you:
array:2 [▼
"default" => "English"
"locale" => "English"