
Unpack a rar file

2019-09-20 10:41发布


Okay, so I have searched for dll files that will allow me to unrar files and I was able to find quite a few such as unrar.dll, chilkat, sharpcompress and some more but I wanted to use the one provided by Rar themselves.

So I referenced the DLL file in my project and imported it. I was using unrar.dll.

But I wasn't able to find any up to date code to allow me to test and try things out. All the examples I found were either not up to date or not for Vb.net.

I also tried the official example, which came in the installation but that didn't work even after I fixed it and when I tried to use the code I always got an error for

object reference not set to an instance of an object

I just want to unrar a rar file from a specific location to the root directory of my program so if my program was on the desktop I want it to unrar a file in My documents and extract the files to my desktop.


If you just want to unrar files, I Was able to do that with SharpCompress

I created new VB.Net App and added reference to SharpCompress.dll and used this code

Imports SharpCompress.Archive
Imports SharpCompress.Common

'Unrar code
Dim archive As IArchive = ArchiveFactory.Open("c:\file.rar")
For Each entry In archive.Entries
    If Not entry.IsDirectory Then
          ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath Or ExtractOptions.Overwrite)
    End If

More code samples


for those who will try in vb.net the extract options are renamed and used as

Dim options As New ExtractionOptions With {
    .ExtractFullPath = True,
    .Overwrite = True
entry.WriteToDirectory(Application.StartupPath, options)