How do I convert an arbitrary Groovy map / list to the config style DSL syntax that Groovy provides?
def config = [
'test': 'lalala',
'nestedObject': [
foo1: 'foo1 val',
foo2: 'foo2 val',
nested2: [
anInt: 5,
anArray: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
anIntArray: [1, 2, 3]
To something like:
test = 'lalala'
nestedObject {
foo1 = 'foo1 val'
foo2 = 'foo2 val'
nested2 {
anInt = 5
anArray = ['a', 'b', 'c']
anIntArray = [1, 2, 3]
- Re-appropriating this post to explicitly ask for a dynamic/generalized solution.
- This makes it a unique question and unlike the following which assumes a known map at its initialization state: How to create ConfigObject using only nested maps in Grails?
If you know the nested Map structure in advance, your solution will work. If you need to do this on an unknown arbitrary nested Map structure, try something like this:
import groovy.util.ConfigObject
def mapToConfig
mapToConfig = { Map map ->
map.collectEntries { k, v ->
v instanceof Map ? [(k):mapToConfig(v)] : [(k):v]
} as ConfigObject
Given your input and the above closure definition, the following print statement:
println mapToConfig(config).prettyPrint()
Yields this output:
nestedObject {
foo1='foo1 val'
foo2='foo2 val'
nested2 {
anArray=['a', 'b', 'c']
anIntArray=[1, 2, 3]
Just convert each Map into a ConfigObject and then pretty-print it:
import groovy.util.ConfigObject
def config = [
'test': 'lalala',
'nestedObject': [
foo1: 'foo1 val',
foo2: 'foo2 val',
nested2: [
anInt: 5,
anArray: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
anIntArray: [1, 2, 3]
] as ConfigObject
] as ConfigObject
] as ConfigObject
println config.prettyPrint()
All credit goes to: How to create ConfigObject using only nested maps in Grails?
(I just wanted people to know you can do this outside of Grails and initially I didn't realize how the pretty printing was invoked. I was confused with JsonOutput.prettyPrint())
Thanks @Steinar