I have this structure array which is in tcl
A={1 2 3} { 4 5 6 } {7 8 9} {1 4 10}
I would like to get the structure indices which contain the number 4 which should be 2 , and 4 in A; how could I do it?
Also after i was able to get that indices , i'd like to remove those structures so that
A={1 2 3}{7 8 9}
How could I do that ?
Thanks !
can help with that. [continue]
allows you to skip the item:
set A {{1 2 3} {4 5 6} {7 8 9} {1 4 10}}
set B [lmap x $A {
if {[lsearch -exact $x 4] >= 0} {
} else {
set x
puts $B
% array set myArr {
1 {1 2 3}
2 {4 5 6}
3 {7 8 9}
4 {1 4 10}
% parray myArr
myArr(1) = 1 2 3
myArr(2) = 4 5 6
myArr(3) = 7 8 9
myArr(4) = 1 4 10
% set num_to_find 4
% foreach idx [array names myArr] {
# Checking if the array contains the number '4'
if {[lsearch $myArr($idx) $num_to_find]!=-1} {
# Keep track of the matched indices
lappend matchIndices $idx
% foreach idx $matchIndices {
# Removing the array index based on the matched indices
unset myArr($idx)
% parray myArr
myArr(1) = 1 2 3
myArr(3) = 7 8 9