I'm developing a very simple Electron app for Windows which, when executed from the command prompt, opens a dialog box trough which the user can select a folder. The app would then change the command prompt directory to the directory selected by the user.
My end goal is to be able to simply type dirnav
, select a folder from the dialog box and have the app take care of redirecting the command prompt to the selected directory (instead of typing cd C:\Users\myName\whateverDirectory
. Here's what I have so far:
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const electron = require('electron');
const {app, dialog} = electron;
app.on('ready', () => {
title: 'Select a directory',
defaultPath: '.',
buttonLabel: 'Select',
properties: ['openDirectory']
}, (responce) => {
exec('cd ' + responce[0], () => {
Unfortunately, simply doing exec('cd ' + responce[0])
doesn't seem to work, because instead of changing the directory of the command prompt the application was runned from, it changes the directory of another (unknown to me) command prompt. Is there any way to work around that?