I have a partial that pulls the list of games someone has in their Steam Library
<h1><%= header %></h1>
<% player = SteamWebApi::Player.new(steamId)
owned_games = player.owned_games(include_appinfo: true)%>
<% owned_games.each do |game| %>
<%= game['playtime_2weeks'] %>
<% if game['img_icon_url'].blank? %>
<%= image_tag 'http://www.readyicons.com/IconSets/Sky_Light_(Basic)/32x32-no.png' %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag "http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/#{game['appid']}/#{game['img_icon_url']}.jpg" %>
<% end %>
<%= game['name'] %><br>
<% end %>
And it's base view feeds off of current_user.player_steam_id - A field in SQL. Originally this was nice to show only your present games, but I want to do a few things with it.
A) When you check someones profile, you see their list. B) You can search with a users ID, to pull the query results.
My initial issue is using (XXXXXX is actually a number, so I don't stringify it(Do I?)
<%= render :partial => 'game_list', :locals => {:header => "Welcome to His Page!", :steamId => XXXXXXXXXX } %>
And the "Welcome to His Page!" is getting passed, but I'm having a lot of issues getting :steamId to render.
In the partial view I've tried rendering it with <%= steamId %>
<% steamId %>
and :steamId
The current and :steamId
are the only two that don't break the page, but it doesn't render anything. I'm fairly new to this so trying to figure it out, but I've found numerous posts that say I'm doing it right.
I'm welcome to any input.
Also - Since I plan to use this widely, should I look into making it a Controller? Or would the partial suffice? (P.S. I'm typically a Node guy, so I tried debug+console.log(steamId) a lot to see how it's rendering, but I didn't get results in console.log, and debug didn't do anything. How do you normally debug something like this in RoR?
Thanks for any input!
Additional Info:
The issue with this was partially in the partial.
<h1><%= header %></h1>
<% player = SteamWebApi::Player.new(steamId)
owned_games = player.owned_games(include_appinfo: true)%>
<% owned_games.each do |game| %>
<%= game['playtime_2weeks'] %>
<% if game['img_icon_url'].blank? %>
<%= image_tag 'http://www.readyicons.com/IconSets/Sky_Light_(Basic)/32x32-no.png' %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag "http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/#{game['appid']}/#{game['img_icon_url']}.jpg" %>
<% end %>
<%= game['name'] %><br>
<% end %>
By modifying it to owned_games definition, and player definition are on separate lines, it resolved successfully. This was just a not-reviewing-what-I-copied/pasted fail on my part.
Resolved code:
<h1><%= header %></h1>
<% puts steamId %>
<% player = SteamWebApi::Player.new(steamId) %>
<% owned_games = player.owned_games(include_appinfo: true)%>
This is my steam ID <%= steamId %>
<% owned_games.each do |game| %>
<%= game['playtime_2weeks'] %>
<% if game['img_icon_url'].blank? %>
<%= image_tag 'http://www.readyicons.com/IconSets/Sky_Light_(Basic)/32x32-no.png' %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag "http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/#{game['appid']}/#{game['img_icon_url']}.jpg" %>
<% end %>
<%= game['name'] %><br>
<% end %>
However, I am only able to have it render if it pulls the player_steam_id from the DB.
So for instance if I have
:steamId => 76561198017108025
It won't work, but if I have
:steamId => User.player_steam_id
it does work.
(Again, 'User' has a column in SQL that stores their player_steam_id)
I want to be able to call this on the 'Submit' of a search button, which is why I'm trying to see how to get the render to work with a specific number.
Why could that be the case? I have tried logging steamId with the view, and I see it being passed through as a normal integer. My only logical assumption is that the view loads, calls the API with 'steamId' THEN renders steamId but I'm just guessing?
Update Trial-n-Error
So I tried out using something like
<h1><%= header %></h1>
<% appCall = steamId %>
<% player = SteamWebApi::Player.new(appCall) %>
<% owned_games = player.owned_games(include_appinfo: true)%>
<%= appCall %>
<%= owned_games.success %>
<% owned_games.each do |game| %>
<%= game['playtime_2weeks'] %>
<% if game['img_icon_url'].blank? %>
<%= image_tag 'http://www.readyicons.com/IconSets/Sky_Light_(Basic)/32x32-no.png' %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag "http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/#{game['appid']}/#{game['img_icon_url']}.jpg" %>
<% end %>
<%= game['name'] %><br>
<% end %>
I am able to get an output with the puts, and also be using the 'player.success' function of the API. Which returns "True", and puts steamId and app both render out the ID.
I also tested printing out the entire array before the 'for', and did notice it gives me all of the data.
true #<OpenStruct count=31, games=[{"appid"=>300, "name"=>"Day of Defeat: Source", "playtime_forever"=>48,
So the issue lies in the 'for' section of the partial, I'm thinking. Would I need to run the for in the main document, and feed it data from the partial? That seems of...