I am attempting to program an addition and subtraction program in Verilog. Problem is Implementation and testing in Verilog of a module that performs Addition or Subtraction, then a Mux chooses between letting go through the result of one or the other, and then Decode the selected result from binary into a 7-segment Display format. Verilog Module will have 3 inputs: two 4-bit inputs named A and B, and a select input S. Your circuit should add the two numbers and should also subtract B from A (it is as simple as having A-B in your code). Depending on the value of S (i.e. whether it’s a one or a zero), you should let either the result of the addition or the result of the subtraction through.
This is the code that I have: module AddOrSubtractThenSelectAndDecodeInto7SegmentsDisplay(A,B,S,Result,Overflow,Display);
input [3:0] A;
input [3:0] B;
input [1:0] S;
output reg [3:0] Result;
output reg Overflow;
output reg [6:0] Display;
wire [3:0] A;
wire [3:0] B;
wire [1:0] S;
always @(A,B) begin
if (S == 0'b0)
{Overflow, Result} = A - B;
else if (S == 1'b1)
{Overflow, Result} = A + B;
always @(Overflow,Result) begin
case (Result)
4'b0000: Display = 7'b1111110;//0
4'b0001: Display = 7'b0110000;//1
4'b0010: Display = 7'b1101101;//2
4'b0011: Display = 7'b1111001;//3
4'b0100: Display = 7'b0110011;//4
4'b0101: Display = 7'b1011011;//5
4'b0110: Display = 7'b1011111;//6
4'b0111: Display = 7'b1110000;//7
4'b1000: Display = 7'b1111111;//8
4'b1001: Display = 7'b1111011;//9
4'b1010: Display = 7'b1110111;//A
4'b1011: Display = 7'b0011111;//B
4'b1100: Display = 7'b1001110;//C
4'b1101: Display = 7'b0111101;//D
4'b1110: Display = 7'b1001111;//E
4'b1111: Display = 7'b1000111;//F
default: Display = 7'bx;
if (Overflow == 1)begin
Result = 4'bx;
Display = 7'b0011101;
When I run the instructors test bench all the lines are green except for display. It says Display[6:0] xxxxxxx and followed by red lines. I have spent 2 days looking at this trying to fix it. Any help please?