Does Rails 4 have support for OR queries

2019-01-17 09:33发布


So in Rails 4 the long desired feature to use not queries has been added.

Article.where.not(title: 'Rails 3')

Has similar support been added for or queries, or are they planning to make it. I couldn't find anything by browsing through the release notes.

Obviously I tried

Article.where(title: 'Rails 3').or(title: 'Rails 4')

But that does not work.


Article.where(title: ['Rails 3', 'Rails 4']) is how you'd do that in Active Record.

It's not possible to replicate any arbitrary SQL query using "Rails-y" syntax. But you can always just pass in literal sql.

So you could also do:

Article.where("articles.title = 'Rails 3' OR articles.title = 'Rails 4'")


This now works in Rails 5:

Article.where(title: 'Rails 3').or(Article.where(title: 'Rails 4'))

Code example in Rails's source.


The most common alternative is already answer by @gregates

Recently there has been pull request in rails source

Add #any_of query method to active_record Which adds or functionality to activerecord

the contributor has already created a gem incase its not accepted

its rails 3.2 and 4 compatible

I havent tried it yet but soon wish to use it looks good to me.


It seems that the rails master branch is now supporting OR queries.

I assume it will be in the framework with the next major release.


I know that this is an old thread, but anyone else looking for a solution to this problem might find this code helpful:

Article.where(title: ["Rails 3", "Rails 4"])

Maybe that will help you get someone going in the right direction without having to risk sql injection.


Rails 5 will support it but you can use this backport for Rails 4.2 :


You can use Squeel for more complex queries:

Article.where{(title == 'Rails 3') | (title == 'Rails 4')}

This results in the following SQL query:

SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE ((`articles`.`title` = 'Rails 3' OR `articles`.`title` = 'Rails 4'))