At my work my boss is asking me to implement a dot density map . Now I can't get into the details but I have implemented a simple lat/lon map as shown in this link:
I am using the state of Florida because that is the point of interest for me. Anyway I am trying to create a dot density map where each point is associated with a value. That value would be associated with a simple color where the greater the value the darker the color and the lower the value the lighter the color. The colors can be arbitrary, I just can't find a simple enough example or even example for that matter. I don't know if this supports that, I can create a choropleth.
The problem that even though I have the color axis setup and the JSON format correct for example:
name : 'poi'
value: value,
lat: lat-value,
lon: long-value
I still can't get a dot density map. All I get is the working JSFiddle example, with the Florida map and the points on it. I also get the color axis but the points don't have different colors. Can somebody provide some assistance, it could range from information to a simple "It can't be supported in highmaps without customizing it".