I have many to many relationship, table Product, table Category and join table ProductCategory.
I need to convert this SQL query to LINQ C#:
Select TOP 3 Categories.id, Categories.Description, avg(Products.Price) as MeanPrice, count(Products.IsAvailable) as NumberOfAvailableProducts
FROM Categories
INNER JOIN ProductCategories on Categories.Id =
INNER JOIN Products on Products.Id = ProductCategories.CategoryId
WHERE Products.IsAvailable='true'
GROUP BY Categories.Id, Categories.Description
I would appreciate help, thanks.
There are so many examples in the Internet for you to start learning how to write LINQ effectively (including the post from NetMage above).
But I would give you the examples anyway, based on your case above, with an assumption that this T-SQL of yours :
INNER JOIN Products on Products.Id = ProductCategories.CategoryId
might've been a typo, because what you really meant was maybe like this :
INNER JOIN Products on Products.Id = ProductCategories.ProductId
So, this is the snippet when you ask me how could I do that in LINQ :
var query = (from finalq in
from cat in categories
join procat in
// Join [ProductCategories] with [Products] first
from pc in productcategories
join p in products on pc.ProductId equals p.Id
where p.IsAvailable == "True"
select new
CategoryId = pc.CategoryId,
ProductId = p.Id,
ProductPrice = p.Price
// And then join the result with [Categories]
on cat.Id equals procat.CategoryId
select new
CategoryId = cat.Id,
CategoryDescription = cat.Description,
ProductPrice = procat.ProductPrice
// Then aggregate it to get the final result
group finalq by new { finalq.CategoryId, finalq.CategoryDescription } into finalGroup
orderby finalGroup.Average(c => c.ProductPrice) descending
select new
CategoryId = finalGroup.Key.CategoryId,
CategoryDescription = finalGroup.Key.CategoryDescription,
ProductPrice = finalGroup.Average(c => c.ProductPrice),
NumberOfAvailableProducts = finalGroup.Count()
// And take the TOP 3 rows (I know it's ugly but I don't have a choice)
So, that's it. I hope you can get something from my post here, and later may create your own, a better version of this quick example.
Good luck!
For translating SQL to LINQ query comprehension:
- Translate FROM subselects as separately declared variables.
- Translate each clause in LINQ clause order, translating monadic operators (
, etc) into functions applied to the whole LINQ query.
- Use table aliases as range variables. Use column aliases as anonymous type field names.
- Use anonymous types (
new {
... }
) for multiple columns.
- Left Join is simulated by using a into join_variable and doing another from from the join variable followed by
- Replace
with the conditional operator and a null test.
- Translate
to .Contains()
and NOT IN
to !
must be replaced with select range_variable or for joins, an anonymous object containing all the range variables.
fields must be replaced with select new {
... }
creating an anonymous object with all the desired fields or expressions.
- Proper
must be handled with an extension method.