Hierarchy relationship SQL query [closed]

2019-09-19 20:34发布


Anyone can help me to come out a query for below ? The objective is to transform entity as shown in expected output.

Child   Parent  Name
0001    0001    HQ
0100    0001    HQ Accounting Dept
0200    0001    HQ Marketing Dept
0300    0001    HQ HR Dept
0101    0100    Branch North 111 
0102    0100    Branch North 112
0201    0200    Branch North 113
0301    0300    Branch North 114
8900    0300    Branch North 115
0387    8900    Sub Branch North 115

Expected output
Level1   Level2   Level3   Level4  Name
0001     0100     0101     N/A     Branch North 111
0001     0100     0102     N/A     Branch North 112
0001     0200     0201     N/A     Branch North 113
0001     0300     0301     N/A     Branch North 114
0001     0300     8900     0387    Sub Branch North 115

I've tried to query it but answer is not really correct

with cte as
(select Child,Parent from cmbc_entity
 where Parent = '0001'),
 cte2 as
 (select A.Parent as Level1, B.Child as Level2, C.Child as Level3, C.Name
 from cmbc_entity B inner join cte A on A.Child = B.Parent inner join cmbc_entity C on B.Child   =     C.Parent
 where B.Child != '0001')
 select * from cte2


The limitation with pulling the data set this way is that you will of course never be able to hit more than 4 levels. Dynamic columns is a major pain to try and implement.

You could probably set up a recursive ID, but your column would be more like Self, Parent, Grandparent, grandgrandparent, name which could get a little weird quickly.

CREATE TABLE Department (
  DeptID INT,
  ParentID INT,
  Name VARCHAR(255));

INSERT INTO Department
  (100,1,'HQ Accounting Dept'),
  (200,1,'HQ Marketing Dept'),
  (300,1,'HQ HR Dept'),
  (101,100,'Branch North 111'),
  (102,100,'Branch North 112'),
  (201,200,'Branch North 113'),
  (301,300,'Branch North 114'),
  (8900,300,'Branch North 115'),
  (387,8900,'Sub Branch North 115');

;WITH cte_Level1 AS (
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), DeptID) [Level1],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), 'N/A')  [Level2],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), 'N/A')  [Level3],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), 'N/A')  [Level4],
    FROM Department
    WHERE DeptID = ParentID
), cte_Level2 AS (
    SELECT * FROM cte_Level1 UNION ALL
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), A.Level1) [Level1],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), D.DeptID) [Level2],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), 'N/A')    [Level3],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), 'N/A')    [Level4],
    FROM Department D
    INNER JOIN cte_Level1 A ON A.Level1 = D.ParentID
    WHERE D.DeptID <> D.ParentID
), cte_Level3 AS (
    SELECT * FROM cte_Level2 UNION ALL
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), A.Level1) [Level1],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), A.Level2) [Level2],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), D.DeptID) [Level3],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), 'N/A')    [Level4],
    FROM Department D
    INNER JOIN cte_Level2 A ON A.Level2 = D.ParentID
        AND A.Level2 <> 'N/A'
    WHERE D.DeptID <> D.ParentID
), cte_Level4 AS (
    SELECT * FROM cte_Level3 UNION ALL
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), A.Level1) [Level1],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), A.Level2) [Level2],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), A.Level3) [Level3],
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), D.DeptID)    [Level4],
    FROM Department D
    INNER JOIN cte_Level3 A ON A.Level3 = D.ParentID
        AND A.Level3 <> 'N/A'
    WHERE D.DeptID <> D.ParentID

SELECT * FROM cte_Level4


How about using this elegant approach to flatten your hierarchy, using recursive CTE's. Here's a solution to a similar question Stack Overflow: Flattening Hierarchy series using SQL Server CTE


Test my script with other sample data.Though i am myself not much satisfied because i hate using distinct. I will try to modify and update here for following reason :-

  1. Why I have to use distinct?
  2. why i am using b.level1 is not null in my final query .

At the same time i am quite sure about other thing .Like my script is very short.Also it is easy to convert to dynamic sql because of levelid.

are you sure about your output ?

Declare @t table (Child varchar(10),  Parent  varchar(10),  Name varchar(50))

insert into @t
select '0001','0001','HQ' union all
select'0100','0001','HQ Accounting Dept' union all
select'0200','0001','HQ Marketing Dept' union all
select'0300','0001','HQ HR Dept' union all
select'0101','0100','Branch North 111' union all
select'0102','0100','Branch North 112'union all
select'0201','0200','Branch North 113'union all
select'0301','0300','Branch North 114'union all
select'8900','0300','Branch North 115'union all
select '0387','8900','Sub Branch North 115'
--select * from @t
;with CTE as
select child,parent,name,case when parent=child then 1 else 0 end level1 from @t a 
,cte2 as
select * from cte where level1=1
union all
select a.Child,a.Parent,a.Name,b.level1+1  from @t a inner join cte2 b on a.parent=b.child and a.child<>b.child
select distinct
isnull(b.child,'N/A') Level1
,isnull(c.child,'N/A')  Level2
,isnull(d.child,'N/A') Level3
,isnull(e.child,'N/A') Level4
,case when e.child is null then d.name
      when d.child is null then c.name
      when c.child is null then b.name
      when b.child is null then a.name else e.Name end Name
from cte2 a
left join cte2 b on  a.parent=b.child  and b.level1=1
left join cte2 c on  b.child=c.parent  and c.level1=2
left join cte2 d on  c.Child=d.Parent  and d.level1=3
left join cte2 e on  d.Child=e.Parent  and e.level1=4
where b.level1 is not null