I am trying to make something like facebook, Now I am stuck because I want to have comment form on each post so that user can comment on every post, But due to this I have to identify which post's comment form is submitted, For this purpose I used hidden input with postId as value But when I assign form control, I assign form control with empty value because I don't have any clue what would be the value, this is main issue Now.. I have data in my template But I want to assign that data in formControls dynamically sticking to reactive form approach.
Here is my code:
<article class="post" *ngFor="let post of posts">
<div class="post-body">
<div class="post-content">
{{ post.content }}
<div class="comment-area">
<form class="comment-form" [formGroup]="commentForm" (ngSubmit)="onComment()">
<img class="profile-pic" src="../../assets/profile.jpg">
<input type="text" class="comment-input" formControlName="comment">
<!-- Here is issue, value is inside post._id -->
<input type="hidden" [value]="post._id" formControlName="postId">
<button type="submit" class="comment-sub">Send</button>
TS code:
commentForm = new FormGroup({
comment: new FormControl('', [PostValidator.notEmpty]),
postId: new FormControl('', [Validators.required])