I've integrated ASP .NET Core HealthChecks in my solution and I'm already using Swashbuckle swagger. I thought it would be a nice idea to add the HealthCheck endpoints to the swagger.
I found this solution in the StackOverflow (Integrating HealthCheck endpoint into swagger (open API) UI on dotnet core), but I can't understand how I chould be using this method. I've tried to find SwaggerDocument in the startup file, but I didn't manage to do that.
It would be nice, if somebody, who knows how it works, shares their thoughts! Thanks!
The code that I'd like to use:
public const string HealthCheckEndpoint = "/my/healthCheck/endpoint";
public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
var pathItem = new PathItem();
pathItem.Get = new Operation()
Tags = new[] { "ApiHealth" },
Produces = new[] { "application/json" }
var properties = new Dictionary<string, Schema>();
properties.Add("status", new Schema(){ Type = "string" });
properties.Add("errors", new Schema(){ Type = "array" });
var exampleObject = new { status = "Healthy", errors = new List<string>()};
pathItem.Get.Responses = new Dictionary<string, Response>();
pathItem.Get.Responses.Add("200", new Response() {
Description = "OK",
Schema = new Schema() {
Properties = properties,
Example = exampleObject }});
swaggerDoc.Paths.Add(HealthCheckEndpoint, pathItem);