I have 2 tables in MySql
ID Name
1 Section1
2 Section2
ID SectionID Name
1 1 Category1
2 1 Category2
3 2 Category3
This is what I have now:
$sql_section = "select * from section";<br>
$sql_category = "select * from category";<br>
$result_section = mysql_query($sql_section) or die("Could not execute query.");
$result_category = mysql_query($sql_category) or die("Could not execute query.");
echo json_encode(???????);
And I would like to Encode JSON in PHP to get the result that looks like this:
{sectionName: "Section1", categoryList: [{categoryName: "category1"},
{categoryName: "category2"}]},
{sectionName: "Section1", categoryList: [{categoryName: "category3"}]}<br>
Any clue of how can I design an array that looks like this?
$arr = array('sections' => array());
$arr['sections'][] = array('sectionName' => array('categoryList' => array( array('categoryName' => 'Category 1'), array('categoryName' => 'Category 2'))));
$arr['sections'][] = array('sectionName' => array('categoryList' => array( array('categoryName' => 'Category 3'), array('categoryName' => 'Category 4'))));
echo json_encode($arr);
[{"categoryName":"Category 1"},
{"categoryName":"Category 2"}]}
[{"categoryName":"Category 3"},{"categoryName":"Category 4"}]}}]}
You'll just need to replace the string values with variables and put it in the loop to create the required data set.
Something like this should work.
$sections = mysql_query("select * from section") or die("Could not execute query.");
$result = array();
if(mysql_num_rows($sections)>0) {
while($section = mysql_fetch_assoc($sections)) {
$result['sections'][$section['ID']] = $section['Name'];
$categories = mysql_query("select * from category where SectionID='".mysql_real_escape_string($section['ID'])."'");
if(mysql_num_rows($categories)>0) {
while($category = mysql_fetch_assoc($categories)) {
$result['sections'][$section['ID']]['categoryList'][$category['ID']] = $category['Name'];
echo json_encode($result);
It will output like below, instead of sectionName as index I used section ID which is better. Same for the categories.
{sectionID: "SectionName", categoryList: [{categoryID: "categoryName"},
{categoryName: "category2"}]},
{sectionID: "SectionName", categoryList: [{categoryID: "categoryName"}]}<br>
$sections = array();
$categories = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result_section))
$sections[$row->ID] = array('sectionName' => $row->Name, 'categoryList' => array());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result_category))
$sections[$row->sectionID]['categoryList'][] = array('categoryName' => $row->Name);