Compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 8 [dup

2019-09-19 17:33发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • jQuery is adding a strange attribute to nodes 1 answer

I am facing a problem with this site In IE 8 the java script is not rendering correctly as it suppose to and I cant figure out why it is happening.

It's rendering the elements something like this:

<DIV class=nav-bar jQuery1830605484465614684="10"><A class=opener-subnav href="javascript:void(0);" jQuery1830605484465614684="8">Genveje</A>

as it suppose to render it like this :

<div class="nav-bar">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="opener-subnav">Genveje</a>

chrome, firefox, IE9 and above

IE 8 and below

IE 8 double header and footer close tags


Thanks in advance.


This is because HTML5 tages like header and footer does not support on IE8 or below.

You should use 3rdparty library such as html5shiv to render HTML5 tags correctly.


IE just show you DOM node properties added by javascript. jQuery1830605484465614684 is just the jQuery UID for inner usage.


Your stylesheets not applied. May be its have syntax error or to many selectors.