Accessing a variable outside java code fragment in

2019-09-19 16:36发布


in my scenario i have a code like below:

     <c:forEach items="${dbEntries}" var="c" varStatus="loop">
                              int i = 0;
                          <td rowspan="1">${c.getRh_name()}</td>                                 
                          <td rowspan="1">${c.getIpm_name()}</td>` 

now i want to access the variable from html. like below


but its not displaying.can anyone help??


Use jstl instead of java code inside jsp like this.

    <c:set var="salary" scope="session" value="${2000*2}" /> 
     <c:out value="${salary}" /> 
    <c:forEach begin="1" end="5" step="1">
         <c:set var="salary" value="${2000*2}" /> 
    </c:forEach> <c:out value="${salary}" />