vbscript using InStr to find info that varies with

2019-09-19 15:18发布


I have a project where the user pulls up a specific URL where the values for Dept, Queue, and Day change by what hyperlink they choose. For example, they would click on a hyperlink and the URL would be something like:


The next hyperlink could be:


I would like to use InStr to find Dept, Queue, and Day within the URL, then set their values to variables, such as UDept, UQueue, and UDay. Depending upon these values, the user can then copy a specific ID number that can only be found on the URL with these values. The end result would be a search for the URL:


Here's my code so far:

Option Explicit
Dim objIE, objShell, objShellWindows
Dim strIDNum, strURL, strWindow, strURLFound, WShell, i

strURL = "http://www.myworkplace.com/UserPlatform/User/Process.aspx?Dept=DeptOne&Queue=18&Day=0"
strWindow = "Workflow Process"
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objShellWindows = objShell.Windows
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strURLFound = False

'To fix item not found error
For Each objIE in objShellWindows

For i = 0 to objShellWindows.Count - 1
    Set objIE = objShellWindows.Item(i)
On Error Resume Next
    If InStr(Ucase(objShellWindows.Item(i).LocationURL), Ucase(strURL)) Then
        If InStr(Ucase(objShellWindows.Item(i).FullName), "IEXPLORE.EXE") Then
            If Err.Number = 0 Then
                If InStr(objShellWindows.Item(i).document.title, (strWindow)) Then
                    strURLFound = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If

WShell.AppActivate strWindow

WScript.Sleep 300

strIDNum = objIE.document.getElementByID("ID_PlaceHolder").value

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this.


Have you considered using a regular expression?

dim re, s
dim matches

s = "http://www.myworkplace.com/UserPlatform/User/Process.aspx?Dept=DeptFive&Queue=13&Day=9"

Set re = new RegExp
re.Pattern = ".*?Dept=(\w+)&Queue=(\d+)&Day=(\d+)$"
Set matches = re.Execute(s)

Dim uDept, uQueue, uDay
uDept = matches(0).submatches(0)
uQueue = matches(0).submatches(1)
uDay = matches(0).submatches(2)

Msgbox join(array("uDept = " & uDept, "uQueue = " & uQueue , "uDay = " & uDay), vbNewLine)

' Output:
' uDept = DeptFive
' uQueue = 13
' uDay = 9

To replace you can also use a Regular Expression:

Set re = new RegExp
s = "http://www.myworkplace.com/UserPlatform/User/Process.aspx?Dept=DeptFive&Queue=13&Day=9"
newDept = "DeptFourtyTwo"
newQueue = 404
newDay = 12

re.Pattern = "(Dept=)\w+"
newUrl = re.Replace(s, "$1" & newDept)
re.Pattern = "(Queue=)\d+"
newUrl = re.Replace(newUrl, "$1" & newQueue)
re.Pattern = "(Day=)\d+"
newUrl = re.Replace(newUrl, "$1" & newDay)

msgbox newUrl
' output:
' http://www.myworkplace.com/UserPlatform/User/Process.aspx?Dept=DeptFourtyTwo&Queue=404&Day=12

' Alternatively you can replace everything at once if the order and presence of
' parameters is guaranteed:
re.Pattern = "(Dept=)\w+(&Queue=)\d+(&Day=)\d+"
MsgBox re.Replace(s, "$1DeptFourtyTwo$2404$312")     


This only using Instr and Mid Function's


  a = InStr(s, "?") 'We get the value until ?

    d1 = Mid(s, a)

    c1 = InStr(d1, "=")

    c2 = InStr(d1, "&")

    d2 = Mid(d1, c2 + 1)
    d3 = Mid(d1, c1 + 1, (c2 - c1) - 1) 'value of Dept is d3

    c3 = InStr(d2, "=")
    c4 = InStr(d2, "&")
    d5 = Mid(d2, c4 + 1)

    d4 = Mid(d2, c3 + 1, (c4 - c3) - 1) 'value of Queue is d4

    c6 = InStr(d5, "=")
    d6 = Mid(d5, c6 + 1) ' Value of Day is d6

Hope this helps

标签: url vbscript