Chrome extension: Serviceworker cross origin faili

2019-09-19 15:47发布


Docs claim that:

By adding hosts or host match patterns (or both) to the permissions section of the manifest file, the extension can request access to remote servers outside of its origin

My ≪manifest.json≫:



navigator.serviceWorker.register('sdf.js',{scope:''}).then(x=>console.log('done', x))


addEventListener('fetch', e=> e.respondWith(new Response('url: '+e.request.url,{headers:{'content-type':'text/html'/*, etc*/}})))

I loaded the code using ≪Load unpacked extension≫; It crashed without any error message:

Apparently the code "permissions":[""] crashed the extension.

How to set permissions for Chrome Extension cross-origin serviceworker? Is there a required Chrome flag?


As various folks have pointed out in the comments, it's not possible for a service worker to control a Chrome Extension, and it's not possible to register a service worker scoped to an https: origin within the context of a Chrome Extension.