Linux serial port listener and interpreter?

2019-01-17 08:49发布


I'm using a serial device for a project, and what I'm trying to accomplish PC side, is listening for a command sent by the serial device, interpreting the query, running some code depending on the query, and transmitting back the result.

To be honest I tried out using PHP as the listener, and it works, unfortunately the infinite loop required to make the script act as a receiver, loads the CPU to 25%. So it's not really the best option.

I'm using cygwin right now, I'd like to create a bash script using linux native commands.

I can receive data by using:

cat /dev/ttyS2

And send a response with:

echo "command to send" > /dev/ttyS2

My question is, how do I make an automated listener to be able to receive and send data? The main issue I have, is actually how do I stop the cat /dev/ttyS2 command once information was received, put it into a variable which then I could compare with a switch, or a series of if else then blocks. Afterwards send back a response and start the cycle all over again?



Is this not what you're looking for?

while read -r line < /dev/ttyS2; do
  # $line is the line read, do something with it
  echo $result > /dev/ttyS2


To remain fairly system independent, use a cross platform programming language: like Python, use a cross platform serial library like : pySerial and do the processing inside a script. I have used pySerial and I could run the script cross platform with almost no changes in source code. By using BASH you're limiting yourself a fair little.


If you use right tools, it is possible to actually have your CPU usage to be exactly 0 when your device does not have any output.

To accomplish this, you should use some higher level language (Perl, Python, C/C++ would do, but not bash) and use select loop on top of file handle of your serial device. This is an example for Perl, but you can use any other language as long as it has support for select() syscall.


I would recommend to use C/C++ with Qt 5.1.1, it's really easy and if you are familiar with the framework it'll be a piece of cake!!! Here you can find more information and here more helpful examples, give it a try, it's really pain free!! Also you can develop on win and then port your code to linux...straight forward.

Declare an object like this:

QSerialPort mPort; //remember to #include <QtSerialPort/QSerialPort>
//also add QT += serialport to your .pro file

Then add this code:

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)



        this->label->setText(tr("unable to open port, %1").arg(mPort.error()));


void MainWindow::sendData()

    QByteArray data = lineEdit->text().toLatin1();
        this->label->setText(tr("port closed %1").arg( mPort.error()));


void MainWindow::readData()

    QString newData;
    int bread=0;
    while(bread < mPort.bytesAvailable() ){
        newData += mPort.readAll();
  this->textEdit->insertPlainText("\n" + newData);