
nested json data minipulation for ngx datatable in

2019-09-19 14:23发布


I am trying to create a ngx datatable that creates columns dynamically from nested arrays, which with some research is not possible - so to achieve my desired result, I must flatten my nested arrays with the key / values that i need from each nested object into my parent object.

I need to manipulate my data so that my end result is a flat array and contains a line item for each object in the nested array earnings with 'abbreviation' being the key and 'amount' being the value..


employee_uuid:  978f37df-7e07-4118-be93-d82507ce5c46,
employee_code:  JB00024,
full_name:  Thulisile Sandra,
last_name:  Bhekiswayo
    abbreviation: "NT HRS"
    amount: "45.00"
    money: false
    name: "Normal Time HRS"
    time: true
    unique: "7d783469-717e-408a-bc3c-93115cb632dd_true"
    uuid: "7d783469-717e-408a-bc3c-93115cb632dd"
    value: "45.00"
    abbreviation: "OT HRS"
    amount: "25.00"
    money: false
    name: "Normal Time HRS"
    time: true
    unique: "7d783469-717e-408a-bc3c-93115cb632dd_true"
    uuid: "7d783469-717e-408a-bc3c-93115cb632dd"
    value: "45.00"
terminated  false

I'd like to look like this:

employee_uuid:  978f37df-7e07-4118-be93-d82507ce5c46,
employee_code:  JB00024,
full_name:  Thulisile Sandra,
last_name:  Bhekiswayo,

NT HRS: '45.00',
OT HRS, '25.00',


I am not sure how to go about this, I've tried reducing and map functions but no success.. I can add the nested arrays to the parent object with Object.assign but that takes the whole object, I need to create a new parameter from that object..

Any help would be hugely appreciated..


You can use es6 destructuring for this, simply expose whatever properties you need and then "recompose" then into the object shape you want. For example:

return myEmployeeArray.map(employee => { 
const {earn } = employee
earn.map(field => field.abbreviation)
myDesiredObject = { fieldA: employee.abbreviation....fieldE:field.abbreviation} 

This would get you one of your nested fields