I want to add a debounce to a button, but i want to perform some actions each time user clicks button, but only after 5 second after user hits button, then perform SQL update. Usually the throttle seems to be applied directly to the listener. Here I want some actions performed each time the button is clicked, and then an update after a reasonable waiting period.
I am not sure how to use the function in this case...
reference: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-debounce/
$('#myButton').click(function() {
// do a date calculation
// show user changes to screen
// wait until user has has stopped clicking the
// button for 5 seconds, then update file with "process" function.
function process(){
// update database table
debounce syntax
$('input').bind('keyup blur', $.debounce(process, 5000));
You could still use $.debounce
like so:
// create new scope
(function() {
// create debounced function
var dprocess = $.debounce(process, 5000);
// bind event handler
$('#myButton').click(function() {
// do a date calculation
// show user changes to screen
// call the function
Alternative without $.debounce
(you can always debounce your code this way, without jQuery):
// create new scope
(function() {
var timer;
// bind event handler
$('#myButton').click(function() {
if(timer) {
// do a date calculation
// show user changes to screen
// call the function
timer = setTimeout(process, 5000);
Debounce using native/vanilla JS and jquery/underscore.js.
//Native/Vanilla JS
document.getElementById('dvClickMe').onclick = debounce(function(){
alert('clicked - native debounce');
}, 250);
function debounce(fun, mil){
var timer;
return function(){
timer = setTimeout(function(){
}, mil);
alert('clicked - framework debounce');
}, 250));
<div id='dvClickMe'>Click me fast! Native</div>
<div id='dvClickMe2'>Click me fast! jQuery + Underscore</div>
var timer;
$('#myButton').click(function() {
//Called every time #myButton is clicked
if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(process, 5000);
function process(){
//Called 5000ms after #myButton was last clicked
Why not just use setTimeOut(function() { process(); }, 5000);