Using selenium web-driver Java, I want to select current date+1 from date popup, I have seen other post related to date picker but they are related to current date only or else using sendkeys. I don't want to use sendkeys.
Below is the HTML code
'<table id="dp_cal_calendar" class="calendar" classname="calendar" style="display: block; position: absolute; top: 282px; left: 574px;">
<table class="cells" classname="cells">
<thead class="caldayheading" classname="caldayheading">
<td class="wkend" classname="wkend">20</td>
<td class="wkend" classname="wkend">21</td>
<td class="wkday" classname="wkday">22</td>
<td class="wkday" classname="wkday">23</td>
<td class="wkday" classname="wkday">24</td>
<td class="wkday curdate" classname="wkday curdate">25</td>
<td class="wkday" classname="wkday">26</td>
Assuming ur date picker calendar is in table format
you can use:
public void checkDate(){
String currentDate = null;
int counter=0;
WebElement tab = driver.findElement("tabid"));
List<WebElement> rows= tab.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
for(int i =0;i<=rows.size()-1;i++){
List<WebElement> columns=rows.get(i).findElements(By.tagName("td"));
Iterator itr = columns.iterator();
WebElement we=(WebElement);
//element to be clicked is +1 to c
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr:nth-child(i) li:nth-child(counter+1)")).click();
PS. This should serve your purpose but you need to handle the case when your current date is in last column of the table.
String currDate= driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table#dp_cal_calendar table.cells td.wkday.curdate")).getText();
int dateToBeSelected = Integer.parseInt(currDate) + //no of days you want to add ;
WebElement currentDate = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@id='dp_cal_calendar']//table[@class='cells']//td[contains(text(),'"+String.valueOf(dateToBeSelected) +"')]")).click();