Am using a search model with a search form and i would like to filter a grid view based on the value entered in the form. The form field is of a related table
Am actually searching tblpritems and filtering its grid on the column pr_solicitation_id by entering supplier_id as in the tblprsuppliers
This is the model relationships In the tblpritems
public function getPrSolicitation()
return $this->hasOne(Tblprsolicitations::className(), ['pr_solicitation_id'
=> 'pr_solicitation_id']);
In the Tblprsolicitations model is related to tblprsuppliers by
public function getPRsuppliers()
return $this->hasOne(Tblprsuppliers::className(), ['pr_solicitaion_id'
=> 'pr_solicitaion_id']);
I have tried
This is my search form (for the tblpritems). This references the pr_solicitation_id field in the tblpritems table
<?= $form->field($model, 'prSolicitation[pRsuppliers][supplier_id]')->textInput(['placeholder' => 'Enter supplier'])->label(false); ?>
But this does not filter the grid
This is also the grid search
public function search($params)
$query = Tblpritems::find();
// add conditions that should always apply here
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
// grid filtering conditions
'PRlineID' => $this->PRlineID,
'Quantity' => $this->Quantity,
'Unit_Price' => $this->Unit_Price,
'Extended_price' => $this->Extended_price,
'Currency_ID' => $this->Currency_ID,
'PRID' => $this->PRID,
'pr_solicitation_id' => $this->pr_solicitation_id, //This is what am using t filter the grid
'date_item_received' => $this->date_item_received,
'Quantity_received' => $this->Quantity_received,
'Received_by' => $this->Received_by,
'item_received_status' => $this->item_received_status,
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'Tracking_Code', $this->Tracking_Code])
->andFilterWhere(['like', 'Description', $this->Description])
->andFilterWhere(['like', 'Remarks_on_receipt', $this->Remarks_on_receipt]);
return $dataProvider;
Why is it not working?
I have also tried
<?= $form->field($model, 'prSolicitation->pRsuppliers[supplier_id]')->textInput(['placeholder' => 'Enter supplier'])->label(false); ?>
but this returns an error of only characters should be passed